Tuesday, January 18, 2011

personality test findings

You prefer traditional and familiar experiences.

You are neither organized or disorganized.

You are extremely outgoing, social, and energetic.

You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable.

You tend to become anxious or nervous.


John was very maladaptive. An example of him being maladaptive in the movie is when he went to a new class he didn't adapt to it very well and was very socially awkward. He is also unjustifiable. When he put his baby in the bathtub and left it running without being in there, there was no reason for him to be doing that other than the fact that he has schizophrenia and that's not a good explanation for it. He also had a lot of times that he was quite disturbing to people. An example of this is when he thought that a person was holding a gun to his wife's head he pushed her and her baby to the floor and his wife found that very disturbing for him to do. Atypical was also something that he was. When he was outside of the college and running around talking to himself in front of a bunch of people those people thought he was being very irregular.

Little Albert

Watson and Rayners experiment did support their hypothesis. They conditioned him to be scared of objects because they made a loud noise everytime they showed him an object and he then became frightened of that object. Albert's response became generalized because everytime they showed him an object that they used when they made the noise, he became very scared and is now always scared of that object. They used classical conditioning to reduce Peter's fear of rabbits by pairing the rabbit with a pleasant stimulus everytime they showed him the rabbit so that he came to like rabbits.

role playing

During our in class simulation of role playing I think that some people were actually starting to be their role. I was the drop out, and with people treating me that way it made me feel really bad about myself and like I didn't even matter. Some of the other people with the good roles really started to play their part because they were liking all the attention they were getting.

I think that the guards in the Zimbardo's role playing were the most surprising to me. I don't understand how a person who has a family on the outside can actually treat normal people the way that they were treating the prisoners. After a couple days of this experiment both the prisoners and the guards started to actually be their roles. The prisoners were acting helpless and doing everything the guards were telling them to do even though they really didn't have to.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

I was very surprised by the ending of this video. I thought the person that they were trying to make look better would look like a monster, but she actually ended up being very pretty to normal standards. I think that beauty does change and it's different everywhere you go. In some countries what they consider beautiful there we would think is hideous. I think that to today's standards in Kimberly beautiful would be skinny, tall, long hair and tan for a girl. For a guy it would be tall and muscular. It's not very realistic to expect people to look like this because everyone's genes are different and its not possible for some people to be skinny because of the way that they are.

flipped bullying

Watching this made me realize how it feels to be bullied. I have been really mean to some people before and I've never really realized how sad this could make a person feel. I think there is a line between acceptable teasing and bullying. It would be acceptable if you're just having fun with your friends and teasing them but not making fun of them, I do this a lot with my friends and it doesn't bother any of us. It would cross the line when you're actually hurting a persons feelings and making them feel bad about themselves. I could make KHS a better place to be by being nice to everyong and if I see a person being bullied try my best to stop the person that's doing it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The lobotomist

I think that what the lobotomist was doing was very wrong. He had no scientific proof that was he was doing was working, he was just shoving ice picks in people's eyes hoping it would cure their mental illness. Sometimes it caused permanent damage that could never be cured and it just made their illness worse. I think what he was doing was absolutely crazy.